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Data for Afghanistan

About Data for Afghanistan

At Data for Afghanistan, our mission is to democratize access to data on Afghanistan. Despite the abundance of data generated on the country, much of it remains inaccessible to the public. Everyone, from students to policymakers, should have the opportunity to learn about Afghanistan without any hassle.

To achieve this, we curate credible data sources and identify the most important topics. Utilizing state-of-the-art data visualization methods, we present data in a user-friendly format. We adhere to open-access principles to ensure that valuable information is available to all.

We invite you to collaborate with us or consider yearly sponsorships to support our mission of making data accessible and expanding our platform with new research and datasets.

Founder's Message

Welcome to Data for Afghanistan! This project has been my long-time wish. Working with data most of my life, I believe in the power of accessible, well-presented data in driving informed decision-making. Through Data for Afghanistan, I aim to bridge the gap between the wealth of information available on Afghanistan and those who seek to learn about Afghanistan. This platform should encourage a deeper exploration of Afghanistan's multifaceted challenges and opportunities. I invite you to explore Data for Afghanistan, engage with its visualizations, and join me in my commitment to foster greater awareness and informed discourse about Afghanistan. I believe in the potential of data to drive positive change and shape a brighter future for Afghanistan.

-- Ahmad Zia Wahdat, PhD