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Data for Afghanistan

Natural Resources in Afghanistan

/ 2 min read

1. Agriculture

  • From 2001 to 2018, the agriculture sector's share of GDP plummeted from 54.1% to 22.0%, indicating a possible diversification of the economy away from agriculture.
  • Despite challenges posed by COVID-19, the years 2021-2022 have shown stability in agriculture’s contribution to GDP, remaining above 33%.

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Data for Afghanistan. (2024). Agriculture value-added share of GDP (%), 2001 to 2022 [Data visualization]. Licensed under CC BY-ND-NC 4.0.

2. Food

  • Afghanistan's cereal yield has significantly increased from a low of 0.81 tonnes per hectare in 2000 to 2.25 tonnes per hectare in 2022, showcasing an impressive improvement in agricultural productivity over the past two decades.
  • After fluctuating in the early 2000s, cereal yields have stabilized and consistently improved since 2010, with yields remaining above 2 tonnes per hectare in most years.
  • The highest cereal yields on record were achieved in 2018 and 2022, both at 2.25 tonnes per hectare, indicating successful agricultural practices or favorable conditions in those years.

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Data for Afghanistan. (2024). Cereal yield (tonnes per hectare) of harvested land, 2000 to 2022 [Data visualization]. Licensed under CC BY-ND-NC 4.0.